A Hope: Can We Achieve It?
Paul Craig Roberts- By seizing the initiative Trump and Musk stole a march on corrupt Democrats and their whore media.
By seizing the initiative Trump and Musk stole a march on corrupt Democrats and their whore media. The whore media has been destroyed by the large amount of information that came out of the government’s own data clearly demonstrating immense theft from taxpayers by Democrats and misuse of approprIated funds by USAID, National Endowment for Democracy, Social Security and Medicare, US Treasury, Department of Health and Human Services, and the use of federal funds for advertising private abortion clinics and sex change operations–thus the use of our money to contribute to immoral profits, use of taxpayer funds to pay the whore media to lie and deceive the American public, and major blockbusters about to hit with the audits of the Defense Department and IRS, likely the two most corrupt agencies of all.