Does Europe Stand With Biden Against Russia?
Paul Craig Roberts- If the warmongers in Washington don’t give up their desire for hegemony and make peace instead, all Americans are going to die, and it won’t be from Covid or global warming.
“President” Biden, who stole a presidential election and murdered American democracy, accuses the President of Russia of being “a killer.” Do Europe’s politicians agree?
Yes, apparently. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has just pronounced Russia “Britain’s top security challenge.” The British PM, shilling for the armaments and nuclear weapons industry with an eye on those future directorships, promises more military spending. The British can’t have better health care or lower taxes, because of the threat of Russia. What a joke! No amount of British arms spending could deter a real threat from Russia. If Russia wants Britain, Britain is helpless. Britain could spend its entire GDP on armaments, and the country would still be defenseless against Russia.